

A year long senior thesis at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I explored what ‘long-term behavior change’ in people means and integrated running into my project. The first semester was spent exploring my thesis through three different lenses: awareness, consumer product, and experimental. The last semester was focused specifically on the consumer product lens.

How does long-term behavior change manifest through running?


Stage 1: TASK

1. Identify motivation factors

2. Make connections

3. Change mental framework: negative to positive

4. Generate attainable goals

5. Maintain motivation

Photo by Seth Macey on Unsplash



1. Set goals: physical events and personal gain

2. Note physical changes

3. Build confidence through achievement

4. Integrate into daily routine

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash


Research Insights

Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

Throughout my research, I discovered that some of the most successful motivation factors in terms of maintaining discipline within the sport were an accountability system and music/sound. As beginning runners are often looking for ways to distract themselves from the difficulty of the sport, these two identifiers are particularly key in developing a long term behavior change in beginning/couch to 5K runners.

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I took particular interest in the music/sound component, as my dad is a Deaf runner. He loves running, but does not have the luxury of running with music, and therefore cannot find ease and relaxation in the tempo of sound. Though he can run with a GPS enabled device as a pacer, it is often inaccurate and does not provide the same motivational force that sound does. That being said, how can I create an alternative device that translates the positive motivational effects of sound to a physical body feeling that can be felt by a Deaf runner? Further, how can I develop a device that is usable and motivational for both Deaf and hearing runners?

How can I design a wearable for runners to maintain rhythm at a correct pace?

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Market Research

Ideation and Rapid-Protyping


Final Mock-Up

Two-Part Mold Process

Rhino and Keyshot

Rhino and Keyshot
